Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Geritol Years

Today's post is about The Geritol Years. Geritol- remember that commercial?

My parents take Geritol and for some odd reason, I always thought because I was raised on the Lawrence Welk Show in our home, that it was somehow the vitamin of choice in the golden years; a given rite of passage. That was until my doctor put me on daily Prenatal Vitamins for these menopause years. Long story short, he broke that cycle.

In these years yes a good vitamin is important. Last year I became a Geritol girl or at least was officially declared in my Geritol Years. That was when I hit the big 5-0. If taking Geritol could only erase time or at least make this all go away, I'd take the whole bottle.

On my birthday some of the gang showed up to help celebrate my pity party. You know them Itchy Dry Skin, Hot flashes, Bloated, Slow Metabolism, Sleepless Nights, Crazy Dreams, I Need A Nap and I can't forget Moody Patooty with her two personalities, Bitchy and Psycho.

Hopefully, I have a few years left before the rest get here. They are Forgetful, Droopy, Gassy, Leaky, Low Libido, Squinty Eyes, Wrinkly, and Rocky. 

Won't they be loads of fun? All of us together in the same room or at least the same body. Trust and believe when I wake up right after morning prayers that it will be a good day and I will not need bail money I click my heels together and recite, "Auntie Em! There's no place like home!" 

Honestly, I think when the rest of the gang gets here we will need a Mini Van to haul all of us around in. We have ourselves a full house already with those that showed up early, ya know! They are a delightful bunch though aren't they and often remind me of my kids. None have learned to play nicely together and just like the ghosts of Christmas, you never which one will show up and at what hour they will try to pluck your last nerve! 

This was a posting for the 2013 A-Z Blog Challenge


  1. You're going to needs lots of vitamins with all those characters .


    1. Oh you've got that right! I can also make an appointment with ole Doc Ticklefingers who couldn't take a joke on one visit. I was making wise cracks about menopause and suddenly I'm handed a script for Prozac. Depression? Oh no I have too much company with these hormones to get depressed doc! But, that is for another post! :)
