Get The Scoop

It is really exciting to finally have a home for my menopausal postings. Please Note- My postings here will be menopause related and therefore often contains some mature content but nothing we have never heard or seen on Prime Time Television before. It also bears repeating: IMPORTANT: This blog and the information contained in it is for entertainment only and should not to be confused with any medical information. Please consult your medical doctor for health questions related to menopause or if you think you have a medical condition.

I am currently working on writing posts for a series I am calling, The Divine Secrets of the Menopausal Sisterhood which will focus on many of the signs of aging.
50 Shades of Menopause A series of postings relating to sex and the menopausal Coming Soon!!!!!
I was once asked to do a series on this subject and have quite a few postings that I hope to bring here on this subject.

I guess I should let you know that I've been known to say a bad word. I may a time or two say a bad word, two or three depending on my hormonal state of mind. It happens, even to the best of us, what can I say? Nothing about menopause makes me want to sing Kumbaya. I try to keep it within the limits of the Prime Time Television Viewing standards. Some might say that I should be taking a daily med like, Fukitol, and I don't disagree. I often feel like that too but this is my blog and I'll bitch if I want to!

I say, I may never get all my thoughts written under covers of books before I pass from this ole' earth, but my family will have tons of fun reading all of my journals and notebooks after I am gone!

Many of my menopause postings are posted on my other blog. Over the next weeks I'll be moving many of my menopausal postings here from my other blog I hope that you find the postings enjoyable and funny and can relate to my posts, or at least enjoy the humor that I found in menopause. Grab yourself comfy seat here and join along in comment. I welcome any and all feedback- from ladies and gents of all ages. Please direct email feedback to:
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Who am I?
I have been blogging since 2012. I blog under the pen name of Gossip Girl From 1997 to 1999 I wrote a Pet Column for The Neighbors a weekly section of The Journal. My column was called "The Perfect Pet" I love to write, and just one of these days I will get all of my thoughts to paper. 

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