Info On Menopause

IMPORTANT: This blog and the information contained in it is for entertainment only and should not to be confused with any medical information. Please consult your medical doctor for health questions related to menopause or if you think you have a medical condition.

Menopause or as some call it, The Change of Life is an expected phase in every woman's life that will occur in your later years of life. There is no prevention for menopause. It will occur in every woman. When? That question cannot be answered. I know in my early peri- menopause phase the doctor asked general questions related to my history re: mother, grandmother etc... I don't know if that was for just a medical history or if answers could help the doctor determine my phase in the menopause cycle. The older people in my generation used to call it "The Change"

What is Menopause?
"Menopause is time in a woman's life when her periods (menstruation) eventually stop and the body goes through changes that no longer allow her to get pregnant. It is a natural event that normally occurs in women age 45 - 55." ~wiki

For a complete definition of menopause and other information can be found: Read more Menopause

What are Hot Flashes?
Hot flashes (also known as hot flushes) are a symptom which may have several other causes, but which is often caused by the changing hormone levels that are characteristic of menopause. They are typically experienced as a feeling of intense heat with sweating and rapid heartbeat, and may typically last from two to thirty minutes for each occurrence ~wiki

For a complete definition of hot flashes and other information can be found: Read more Hot Flashes

What is Perimenopause?
Perimenopause is the menopause transition years~ wiki
For a complete definition of perimenopause, information can be found: Read more Perimenopause

What is a Mid Life Crisis?
A time where adults come to realize their own mortality and how much time is left in their life. A midlife crisis is experienced by many people during the midlife transition when they realize that life may be more than halfway over. Sometimes, a crisis can be triggered by transitions experienced in these years ~wiki 
For a complete definition of Mid Life Crisis, information can be found: Read more Mid Life Crisis

Menopause: The Journal of the North American Menopause Society

October 18th is World Menopause Day

Scoop It! Women's Natural Menopause: Stay Healthy By Marie Hart

Just click on the blue highlighted area!

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