Friday, March 7, 2014

Aging and Hormones: Inside the Menopausal Mind

This is part of a series of postings I am doing that I've called, The Divine Secrets of the Menopausal Sisterhood.
This posting is about a few of the changes that we experience in our brain per my own experience.

Sometimes in our Peri-Menopausal years, something changes in our brains. These changes affect the way we think and they last way into the menopausal years. Dare to read on...

All things we ever thought about Jimmy Choo and shoes, turns into searching for any wonder cream on the market that tells us, "cures wrinkles"

Hearing your guy talk about Fantasy Football, suddenly turns you on. Not because of the word football, but because it contains "fantasy" One day you will say, ewww tell me more as you are screaming for just a rare moment and your hubby says, "Oh, it's just football."

Impulse shopping suddenly turns into, "I just need a nap" When you aren't doing something, you find yourself cat napping.

All those wants and needs become just worrying that you won't laugh, cough or sneeze and dribble in your pants and trying to play it off at the register when paying for those types of supplies.

The constant Bling and all things shiny will be forgotten when all that is on your mind is "these damned hot flashes" 

Mood swings suddenly sound like, "I told you so" and "we need to talk"

Gone are the days singing, "Take the long way home" and you don't for fear you won't remember how to get there.

Your nightlife takes a damper when your eyesight isn't like it used to be and night driving becomes a real problem

When your swagger turns into saggier

Due to insomnia, you find yourself cleaning a clean toilet at three in the morning just to have something to do.

Wishing that one of the side effects to your medication is multiple orgasms because your libido has packed up and left.

You search the stock pages in the paper looking to purchase stock with Gold Bond Lotion because of your itchy dry skin.

One of the craziest and scariest dreams will be you are standing at the bathroom mirror with your hubby, shaving your four o'clock shadows together.

Because of the bloating and gassiness, you find yourself sounding like you've become a spokesperson for Beeno.

Some of those changes in your brain are subtle while others are more noticeable. The tricky part is figuring out how to keep it in perspective because these changes in your brain can happen two or three at a time.

© 2012 Gossip_GrL

1 comment:

  1. wow, okay, have some, due some...thanks for the warning.
